Our 3 Key Takeaways From 36|86 Conference

This past week, the Inflammo team joined hundreds of innovative entrepreneurs, driven business leaders, and top investors at 36|86, the South’s premier tech and entrepreneurship conference located in Nashville, TN. Powered by Launch TN, 36|86 was a fantastic affair, bringing in top executives and speakers such as Steve Case: Co-Founder of AOL, Jeremy King: Walmart… Read More

3 Life And Business Lessons Hiking Teaches Us

In this and the previous post, I am sharing how my time outdoors often serves up subtle, and not so subtle, reminders of some of life’s simple lessons. While on the first day (see post here), I was reminded hiking is best guided by a map. On the second day, which I’ll dive into below,… Read More

Inflammo Growth; Meet Matthew Thigpen

1) What is your role at Inflammo? I am Inflammo’s Executive Vice President where I oversee our Financial Analytics Group. Within that role, I am responsible for driving the strategy and development efforts of the business unit, while also managing the day-to-day customer service operations. 2) Where’s your favorite place in the world? I’d say anywhere… Read More

Field Notes: What the Outdoors Has Taught Me About Life and Business

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Henry David Thoreau This year, my wife and I pledged to… Read More

Inflammo Growth: Meet Ryan Horvath

1)What is your role at Inflammo? I am a Financial Analyst. I help manage the day-to-day transaction processing activities and accounting processes across a portfolio of customers, ensuring the delivery of financial statements and reports. 2) Where’s your favorite place in the world? I would say it is either in a beach chair with waves rolling… Read More

Inflammo Growth: Meet Leah Gwin

1) What is your role at Inflammo? I am the Brand Ambassador at Inflammo, where I spearhead all of the marketing, PR, and branding efforts, facilitate outreach to prospects, and implement various team and client-facing engagement initiatives. 2) What are 3 words you’d use to describe Inflammo? Innovative. Genuine. Passionate. 3) What is the favorite part about working… Read More

How to Prepare for a Growth Year

The countdown has begun. Maybe you are counting down until the elections (mercy!), or Thanksgiving (pumpkin pie, rather), or maybe even the SEC championship game (everybody’s hands go up). But we’re shifting gears to a different countdown today. Take heed, friends: 2017 is coming in hot, and it’s time to buckle down and determine the… Read More

Our Takeaways from Health:Further 2016

First of all, if you missed the Health:Further 2016 conference, you truly missed out. It was (and will continue to be) a fantastic gathering of some of the healthcare industry’s leading movers and shakers, and it placed Nashville squarely in the center of healthcare innovation over a two-day window this August. While great content was delivered… Read More

12 Reasons Startups Miss out on Funding

Danielle O’Rourke is the CEO and Fund Manager for ROND Capital, a Nashville-based private equity firm.  Danielle also serves as a board member to Ovia and Clockwise.MD. Congratulations!  You’ve made it past a venture capital firm’s initial vetting process and have been invited to pitch your business. This is your chance to tell your story… Read More

Make or Break: 10 Keys to Financial Savviness

We’ll cut to the chase.  Very few companies make it to $1mm in revenue, with far less ever reaching $10mm. What separates those companies that have arrived from the many others? Quite simply, they know their numbers. If you aren’t overly confident in what your investable story looks like, or if you aren’t sure where you business… Read More