Make or Break: 10 Keys to Financial Savviness

We’ll cut to the chase.  Very few companies make it to $1mm in revenue, with far less ever reaching $10mm. What separates those companies that have arrived from the many others? Quite simply, they know their numbers. If you aren’t overly confident in what your investable story looks like, or if you aren’t sure where you business… Read More

Building for Scale: The No-Fail Financial Foundation

Anyone who has gone through a process to build a home from the ground up knows that extensive manpower and material are required to establish a solid foundation. We don’t question the process because we know that in the absence of a solid foundation, nothing else matters. In the same way, and no less important,… Read More

Positioning Your Company for a Future Transaction: Charlie Brock

Part Three: Charlie Brock Charlie Brock has been serving as Launch Tennessee’s President & CEO since January 2013. Launch Tennessee is a statewide public-private entity charged with developing Tennessee’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Prior to Launch Tennessee, Charlie served for a year as CEO of CO.LAB, a Chattanooga accelerator that runs the summer GIGTANK program. Brock is… Read More

Positioning Your Company for a Future Transaction: Graham Hunter

Part Two: Graham Hunter As we learned from William Seibels’ experience navigating the notable acquisition of Change Healthcare by Emdeon, intentionality is required for a company in its early stages to set the table for a future transaction – and a successful one at that. But before you get out your linens and fine china,… Read More

Why Dollars Aren’t the Only Reasons to Outsource

The Limits of In-House: Why Dollars Aren’t the Only Reason You Should Outsource Your Accounting & Finance Function It’s a question common to every business owner who is fortunate enough to realize initial startup success:  How do I best manage the constantly growing needs and demands within my accounting and finance function? The good news,… Read More